Club sharing photos instructions
Make a copy of your photo.
Rename it with your name and date of club meeting.
C for critique- Please email it to me the week before we see each other-Original file please.
Other 4 images please crop image 24 inch wide at 72 ppi jpeg options at maximum (quality 12). Ready for Web.
Add the copyright sign © to all photos with your name or put your signature or just your name is fine.
Mac- alt/opt+g
PC- ALt+0169
White or black and you can bring down the opacity if you want.
Sharpening with High Pass
Make a copy of layer. Right click on your layer and choose duplicate layer, then ok.
With this new layer, change the blend mode to Overlay.
Go to Filter, Other, High pass and choose the strength you want.
You can either lessen the effect on your image with changing your opacity or masking only part of the photo.